Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Called to Serve in Spokane!!!

My son Colin has been called to serve a 2-year Spanish Language mission in the Spokane Washington Mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons). He has wanted to serve a mission since he was a little boy and now as he becomes an adult, it is a wonderful thing to see him growing and developing in his love for the Lord.

He began his mission at the Missionary Training Center (MTC) in Provo Utah in August and has just entered the mission field. We are very pleased for him and proud of him as he has chosen to dedicate 2 years of of his lfe in the service of the Lord Jesus Christ. His primary responsibility is to teach others about our beliefs.

He really enjoyed his time at the MTC and learned a great deal about his own testimony of Jesus Christ. He made some great friends and was able to be taught by actual Apostles He has grown a lot in such a short time. He has enjoyed learning Spanish and looks forward to using his new skills in teaching fellow Latinos the Gospel.

Here is a link to his Mission website -